Strength Training

Runner's Knee Bonus: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome - Not Just For Runners

Runner's Knee Bonus:  Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome - Not Just For Runners

For several weeks we have been covering patellar femoral pain syndrome (PFPS), or runner’s knee as many like to call it. However, as with many of the conditions we see, it can be found in more than just one population of people. PFPS can also be caused by other physical activities that put repeated stress on the knee. This can include squatting, jumping, climbing stairs, etc. Along with that, PFPS can occur when you have patellar malalignment, which was touched on in Part 1 of our Runner’s Knee series.

With most PFPS we see, it comes from a sudden increase of load placed on the knee. So if you have recently increased your weight at the gym, time on the Stairmaster, or taken on a new activity, if the stress level on your knees has increased you could experience “runner’s knee” even if you do not consider yourself a runner. With that said, here are a few preventative measures we can implement that could help.

Injury Prevention For Runners: Tips To Support Your Training

As runners, we really only have 2 goals...

  • Run faster/farther than we ever have before.

  • Remain injury free.

For the last 4 years, it has been our goal at Revive Sport & Spine to be the leading sports chiropractic clinic serving the greater Salt Lake City area when it comes to running-related injuries and prevention. Having aimed for the same goals mentioned above through my own running the last 20+ years, there are few endurance sport related injuries that I have not encountered either personally or clinically.

While we field questions about running form, injury prevention, running shoes, pre-race meals, training plans, strength training, etc., some questions are better answered by those who work in that arena day in and day out.

Over that last few months, we were able to sit down with a few local specialists in sports nutrition, mental skills training, strength training, and running shoes. Our goal was to find out how each component can aid runners with injury prevention.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome Pain - What You Need To Know & What You Can Do About It.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome Pain - What You Need To Know & What You Can Do About It.

Runners in Utah and all over the country have expereinced that stabbing knee pain, during and after a run, that seems to come out of no where, leaving you sidelined and unsure what caused it or how to deal with it.  Iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITBS, is one of the most common injuries experienced by new and veteran runners alike.  We discuss some of the basics and a few simple tools to help deal with it.  

How 'The Big 3' Can Decrease Low Back Pain and Make You Stronger & Faster

How 'The Big 3' Can Decrease Low Back Pain and Make You Stronger & Faster

If you are among the estimated 50% of all athletes who experience recurrent low back pain, don’t stress, there are exercises that can help…and a couple you should probably avoid.

Our ‘core’ is the link between our upper and lower bodies, and mastery of control here is the secret to improved strength, running efficiency, faster speed, and overall health and athleticism. In regards to back pain, our core needs to be solid to not only support a stable spine but provide for proper biomechanics when running, throwing, squatting, swimming, and even just walking.

What's The Deal With Hip Internal & External Rotation?

What's The Deal With Hip Internal & External Rotation?

As I near my 2 year mark in clinical practice, you start to realize trends. Sometimes these trends solidify what we already know, align greatly with what we are already practicing, and allow us to continue down the beaten path. However, there are things we begin to see as key indicators on how an injury occurred, things that are so simple, they often get overlooked in a treatment plan. Today I want to briefly discuss an item that falls under both of these categories.

Hip range of motion (ROM) is often taken for granted, until that time comes where one side is severely restricted and we are unable get up off the floor without the use of our hand, or the assistance from another. As I have progressed clinically, hip ROM started as just something to jot down in a patients notes, but has quickly become one of the first areas I look to and address for nearly all of the low back pain** and lower extremity complaint (acute and overuse) patients that come into our clinic.

The problem we see is that the restriction is never symmetrical, causing compensatory patterns that quickly lead to injuries and confused patients. While getting you out of pain is our job, our goal is education and prevention. Below are some great stretches and mobility movements that are not only easy to perform, but effective is restoring symmetrical movement. Enjoy.

Break Up the Endurance Training With Some Strength!

Endurance athletes, especially runners, tend to shy away from strength training due to what I would consider a misunderstanding of what it can provide. After working with hundreds, probably thousands by now, of runners and triathletes over the last few years, I find very few have a regular strength plan. Some are afraid of getting hurt, some do not know how to effectively strength train, and some still have the ridiculous notion that if they lift weights they will get so bulky, the can no longer run!



Do you stretch? When? How? More importantly WHY? This will be brief, and there are many sides to this table, but where do you sit on this topic? When the discussion about stretching arises, it is sort of like the old saying on religion and politics; no matter what you have to say or how compelling your argument, you will never change the views of the other person and will usually walk away further apart on the subject than when you began.