New Year - New Goals: Setting & Achieving Your Goals This Year.

Fast forward from when we originally posted this blog, it is now 2020! Wow!

If you are like me, you love to set goals, spend hours on action plans to achieve those goals, and ponder on the impact and improvements you can make to yourself, your company, your family, your health, and everything else around you.

While you will not find a shortage of articles telling you how to set goals. Or how by February 1st, over 80% of people will have already abandoned their resolutions, let’s just keep this short and to the point in hopes that you are aiming to be part of the 20% who holds on, pushes through, and progresses not just your life, but your family’s, and everyone you interact with.

When gearing up for the new year, or getting back on track, set your aim high and work these 3 steps.




We have all heard of the ‘SMART’ acronym about goal setting.

  • Specific: Be as specific as possible with your goals, they are easier to break up and achieve if they are clearly defined.

  • Measurable: This is usually the easiest part. How will you know when you have achieved your goal? When you hit your mark. 1000 miles running - $100K in growth - 2 full weeks of vacation time with your family. Put a number to it!

  • Attainable: Don’t make your goals too easy. Set your goals just at the end of your reach. Goals that make you work and dig down deep create the best feelings of accomplishment when completed.

  • Relevant: Is this goal important to you? Does it help you become a better person? Can accomplishing this goal help and serve others?

  • Time-Based: Every goal must have a deadline, or it is just a thought; a dream; an everyday task.

Break down each goal you have set into smaller, workable, SMART pieces.




Studies have shown that we are incapable of multi-tasking! Don’t believe me, just try to do three things at once and see how well they are completed, if at all. The new year brings about much excitement about the possibilities and opportunities ahead, but if our focus shifts to too many things at once, it will all quickly fall apart. Start by reading ‘The One Thing’ by Gary Keller and focus all of your attention on one goal at a time. See it through to completion and then move on to the next.

When I sit down to plan out my year, quarter, or week, I review my One Thing, that big goal for the year. But, it has to be broken down further than that. Humans simply can’t focus on one thing for an entire year! You know the saying, ‘The way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time,’ it’s true. If you want to reach your BIG goal, break it down.

I have shifted my life, personal and professional, to ROCKS. This isn’t a fancy acronym, but I do like to think of these rock as the material needed to build the foundation of what I hope to achieve and provide to the world during my life. ROCKS are 2-3 small steps that can be taken each 90 days that move you a step closer to your ONE BIG THING. Science has shown us that the extent of our ability to focus on a task is 90 days, so this method works perfectly. Break your big goal down into 10-12 steps and put all your focus into 2 or 3 of them every quarter.

This works the same in business as it does running—every quarter, you have to change cycles. You may want to run a 3:30 marathon this year. You have four macrocycles of training to complete this year, each composed of 2-3 microcycles. Just going out and haphazardly running will not get you to your goal, you have to plan and focus.




Look at your goals. Look at the energy, time, commitment, and focus it will require, and 10 X it! In Grant Cardone’s ‘The 10X Rule’, he discusses that anything worth accomplishing will require ten times more time, energy, and resources than you initially thought. How do you attack this, with massive action.

In summary, take an hour this week, work through your goals and develop an action plan. Assure they are SMART, begin by focusing on just one, and TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!

- Happy New Year -

Dr. Reheisse is a Board Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician practicing in Cottonwood Heights Utah. Revive Sport & Spine provides evidence-supported chiropractic care and conservative sports injury management. If you have an injury that is preventing you from doing the things you enjoy, call or schedule now.