Sciatica Pain Relief Part 4: Treatment & Rehabilitation

As we gather to close out this series on Sciatica, talking this time on what care looks like in our office when someone presents with Sciatic Nerve pain, you will recognize some similarities from the previous Sciatica-related articles. That is because rehabilitation for Sciatica is similar to the self-care and prevention exercises we shared previously. So…if you haven’t taken a look at our Sciatica Pain Relief series parts 1-3, click the links below and check them out. Our goal is to have you work through those modules before seeking care. You will often find that spending a week on the exercises we shared, might relieve your pain, and if maintained with some frequency, may prevent future occurrences. Nevertheless, if you are here, are located in Salt Lake City and the surrounding area, we are here to help.

Treatment surrounding Sciatica takes on two parts: (1) Addressing the low back, regardless if low back pain is present and (2) Addressing the posterior hip, associated musculature, and its interaction with the sciatic nerve. One of these (#2) we can affect directly and often provide immediate relief. The other (#1) can be addressed by focused and modified daily action, joint mobility, decreased muscle tension, and…TIME.

Let's start with the low hanging fruit here. We have already discussed the association of the Sciatic Nerve and the muscles of the posterior hip. When it comes to treatment, our goal is to enact a change as fast as possible. We hope that patients come in having already tried stretching rolling, and increased movement to decrease the tightness and tension of the muscles in the back of the hip. From there, our job is to change the tissue in ways most can not do themselves.

Our typical treatment here is a combination or assisted progressive stretching, active and passive myofascial release movement, and dry needling…almost always dry needling.

To help understand what these treatments look like, check out these video demonstrations. These treatments have proven extremely effective in assisting patients to recover quickly from sciatica and sciatic nerve issues.

When it comes to rehabilitation, it is essential to understand that for the majority of people, even though the sciatic nerve radiating pain down the leg may have come on suddenly, it most likely took months to get to that point, leaving us with a bit of chronic muscle tension to address. THIS TAKES TIME.

When helping patients with their home care exercise plans, we look to address two areas, (#1) The Lumbar Spine, (#2) The Posterior Hip Muscles. If your problem is primarily in the hip/thigh region, exercise and daily life modification (usually sitting less) will bring quick and lasting relief. If your problem is primarily in the lumbar spine, our goal is to keep you as mobile and active as possible while the injury heals. Again…TIME.






Sciatica is a common complaint, with a wide variety of causes. If you worked through our Sciatica Relief Series here and are still dealing with radiating leg and low back pain, please reach out to us with questions or come in for a consultation to further discuss your condition. If we can help you, we will let you know; if we can’t, we will get you to the best provider for your case.

Dr. Reheisse is a Board Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician practicing in Cottonwood Heights Utah. Revive Sport & Spine provides evidence-supported chiropractic care and conservative sports injury management.