Now that you have made the decision to take your health down a positive path. we are here to help you live a more enjoyable, pain-free, moment filled life, and want you to be as comfortable as possible in our office.  Below is what you can expect as new patient in our office.


At Revive Sport & Spine, you can expect a one-on-one sit down discussion related to not only your chief problem & the events leading up to the injury but also about your overall lifestyle, how it relates to your health & function as well as your treatment & personal goals.  


No condition, though often named the same, present in the same manner.  Because of this, we feel it is in yours & our best interest to conduct a thorough examination consisting of orthopedic, basic neurological, movement and Chiropractic components.  Through this, we feel confident in getting to the bottom of your complaint and determining if Chiropractic care would be beneficial to your condition.  

Report of Findings

There are few absolutes in healthcare, what should be a routine case can be complicated by many underlying factors.  Through this, we will evaluate your condition from information gathered during the consultation and examination to develop a working diagnosis.  We will discuss in detail what we believe is causing your condition as well as the treatment options available to you.  We will further discuss the time frame for your care as well as if continued activity is possible.  Our policy is 'Short-Term care plans with Long-Term Results'.   


Treatment will include any and all therapies & modalities necessary for a speedy recovery.  As stated before, no condition presents the same way, therefore, treatment plans will vary from patient to patient.  Treatment can include but is not limited to Chiropractic manipulation, soft tissue therapy, kinesio taping, exercise prescription, dry needle therapy, and other passive modalities.