
New Year - New Goals: Setting & Achieving Your Goals This Year.

New Year - New Goals:  Setting & Achieving Your Goals This Year.

If you are like me, you love to set goals, spend hours on action plans to achieve those goals, and ponder on the impact and improvements you can make to yourself, your company, your family, your health, and everything else around you.

Youth Running: Benefits, Risks, & Considerations

Youth Running:  Benefits, Risks, & Considerations

Running is one of the best (coming from a runner) and easiest sports to take up in the world. Running is a major part of nearly every sport on the planet, making it an excellent option for our school-aged athletes. In 2017, almost 500,000 runners ran XC, and over 1 million athletes ran track. With the ease of access and a million different training techniques and training theories comes the risk of adverse effects. Over the last 10 years, we have seen a 34% increase in injuries incidence among runners.

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Part 2 - Self-Care For Shin Splints

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Part 2 - Self-Care For Shin Splints

In PART 1 of our Shin Splints series, we took a look at the anatomy associated with medial tibial stress syndrome as well as the factors that make runners especially susceptible to them, namely the repetitive nature of running compounded by most cases typically doing too much too soon. Here in PART 2, we are going to look at self-care options as well as some considerations for preventing repeate episodes of shin splints so that you can keep running and training for your goal races.

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Part 1 - What Are Shin Splints and Why Runners?

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Part 1 - What Are Shin Splints and Why Runners?

Springtime is here! The weather is warming up, the sun is starting to shine on those early morning runs, and we can finally shed many of those heavy layers of clothes for our preferred running shorts and singlet top!

But…spring time also means something else for runners.

New Year - New Goals: Running To Better Health

New Year - New Goals:  Running To Better Health

Improved health tops nearly every new year's resolution list ever made, 2019 will be no different. From this, running comes to the forefront of our ‘get in shape’ plan because of its ease (almost everyone can shuffle one foot in front of the other, not saying it is easy) and relatively low cost (a decent pair of shoes and some running gear is all you need). While this plan seems fool-proof, there is a reason 60%+ of the people we see in our clinic are runners, new and old.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Self-Care & Training Modification

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Self-Care & Training Modification

As we work our way through this series, let not forget what we have learned so far.

  • Iliotibial band syndrome is a common overuse injury plaguing runners of all abilities. The most common offense is trying to increase your volume too soon while also increasing the intensity without cross-training or varying surfaces.

  • The Iliotibial band DOES NOT STRETCH! The tension we feel is caused by the muscles that support the IT band, Tensor Fascia Latae and Gluteus Maximus.

  • The stabbing pain we experiences as runners suffering from IT band syndrome is thought to be caused by the band itself shifting forward and backward as the knee flexes and extends. The research is out on that one…if we ever reach a consensus, I will let you all know!

Where are we now? Well…if you have made it this far, you are probably dealing with IT band syndrome and wondering if it will ever go away and let you get back to running the way you would like.

For this, we are going to discuss self-care. What you can do about the knee pain and tight hips at home while also mentioning a few stretches you can do at work or out on a run. Our goal is simple - Allow you to continue to train, modified while improving your IT band syndrome pain week-to-week.

What we are talking about today, where the real work takes place, the day in and day out self-care. And the big question….can you continue training?

Runner's Knee Part 4: Treatment, Rehabilitation, & Return To Running

Runner's Knee Part 4: Treatment, Rehabilitation, & Return To Running

After three exhilarating weeks of discussing Runner’s Knee, we have covered the anatomy, mechanism of injury, hip and ankle mobility, training modifications when injured, and self-care options. This week, we culminate with what happens when self-care is not enough, when you need to seek help, and what that looks like.

Runner's Knee Part 3: Training Modification & Self-Care

Runner's Knee Part 3: Training Modification & Self-Care

Over the last two weeks, we have discussed the ins and outs of what Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome is, the anatomy involved, how adjacent joints (hip and ankle) can lead to maltracking issues, and why runner’s are specifically susceptible to this common overuse injury. You can read Part 1 & Part 2 here.

Now it’s time to talk self-treatment and training modification. Our goal is to maintain training (load) if possible when you find Runner’s Knee settling in, but more times than not, rest and self-care is needed while also modifying our training volume and intensity until symptoms recede.

Injury Prevention For Runners: Tips To Support Your Training

As runners, we really only have 2 goals...

  • Run faster/farther than we ever have before.

  • Remain injury free.

For the last 4 years, it has been our goal at Revive Sport & Spine to be the leading sports chiropractic clinic serving the greater Salt Lake City area when it comes to running-related injuries and prevention. Having aimed for the same goals mentioned above through my own running the last 20+ years, there are few endurance sport related injuries that I have not encountered either personally or clinically.

While we field questions about running form, injury prevention, running shoes, pre-race meals, training plans, strength training, etc., some questions are better answered by those who work in that arena day in and day out.

Over that last few months, we were able to sit down with a few local specialists in sports nutrition, mental skills training, strength training, and running shoes. Our goal was to find out how each component can aid runners with injury prevention.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome Pain - What You Need To Know & What You Can Do About It.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome Pain - What You Need To Know & What You Can Do About It.

Runners in Utah and all over the country have expereinced that stabbing knee pain, during and after a run, that seems to come out of no where, leaving you sidelined and unsure what caused it or how to deal with it.  Iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITBS, is one of the most common injuries experienced by new and veteran runners alike.  We discuss some of the basics and a few simple tools to help deal with it.