Running Pain Relief

Youth Running: Benefits, Risks, & Considerations

Youth Running:  Benefits, Risks, & Considerations

Running is one of the best (coming from a runner) and easiest sports to take up in the world. Running is a major part of nearly every sport on the planet, making it an excellent option for our school-aged athletes. In 2017, almost 500,000 runners ran XC, and over 1 million athletes ran track. With the ease of access and a million different training techniques and training theories comes the risk of adverse effects. Over the last 10 years, we have seen a 34% increase in injuries incidence among runners.

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Part 3 - Treatment and Rehabilitation

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Part 3 - Treatment and Rehabilitation

So we have made it to this point. You have been rolling, stretching, warming up before your runs, but your nagging shin splint pain will not go away. Maybe it has improved 50%, but as you continue to train for your upcoming event, the pain has plateaued. Sound familiar?

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Part 2 - Self-Care For Shin Splints

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Part 2 - Self-Care For Shin Splints

In PART 1 of our Shin Splints series, we took a look at the anatomy associated with medial tibial stress syndrome as well as the factors that make runners especially susceptible to them, namely the repetitive nature of running compounded by most cases typically doing too much too soon. Here in PART 2, we are going to look at self-care options as well as some considerations for preventing repeate episodes of shin splints so that you can keep running and training for your goal races.

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Part 1 - What Are Shin Splints and Why Runners?

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome Part 1 - What Are Shin Splints and Why Runners?

Springtime is here! The weather is warming up, the sun is starting to shine on those early morning runs, and we can finally shed many of those heavy layers of clothes for our preferred running shorts and singlet top!

But…spring time also means something else for runners.