
New Year - New Goals: Setting & Achieving Your Goals This Year.

New Year - New Goals:  Setting & Achieving Your Goals This Year.

If you are like me, you love to set goals, spend hours on action plans to achieve those goals, and ponder on the impact and improvements you can make to yourself, your company, your family, your health, and everything else around you.

Spinal Manipulation - Who Benefits Best From This Effective Treatment Option

Spinal Manipulation - Who Benefits Best From This Effective Treatment Option

Spinal manipulation, or the chiropractic adjustment, is the hallmark of Chiropractic Medicine, but what population of patients benefit from this safe and effective treatment option?

Sciatica Pain Relief Part 4: Treatment & Rehabilitation

Sciatica Pain Relief Part 4: Treatment & Rehabilitation

As we gather to close out this series on Sciatica, talking this time on what care looks like in our office when someone presents with Sciatic Nerve pain, you will recognize some similarities from the previous Sciatica-related articles. That is because rehabilitation for Sciatica is similar to the self-care and prevention exercises we shared previously. So…if you haven’t taken a look at our Sciatica Pain Relief series parts 1-3, click the links below and check them out. Our goal is to have you work through those modules before seeking care. You will often find that spending a week on the exercises we shared, might relieve your pain, and if maintained with some frequency, may prevent future occurrences. Nevertheless, if you are here, are located in Salt Lake City and the surrounding area, we are here to help.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Self-Care & Training Modification

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Self-Care & Training Modification

As we work our way through this series, let not forget what we have learned so far.

  • Iliotibial band syndrome is a common overuse injury plaguing runners of all abilities. The most common offense is trying to increase your volume too soon while also increasing the intensity without cross-training or varying surfaces.

  • The Iliotibial band DOES NOT STRETCH! The tension we feel is caused by the muscles that support the IT band, Tensor Fascia Latae and Gluteus Maximus.

  • The stabbing pain we experiences as runners suffering from IT band syndrome is thought to be caused by the band itself shifting forward and backward as the knee flexes and extends. The research is out on that one…if we ever reach a consensus, I will let you all know!

Where are we now? Well…if you have made it this far, you are probably dealing with IT band syndrome and wondering if it will ever go away and let you get back to running the way you would like.

For this, we are going to discuss self-care. What you can do about the knee pain and tight hips at home while also mentioning a few stretches you can do at work or out on a run. Our goal is simple - Allow you to continue to train, modified while improving your IT band syndrome pain week-to-week.

What we are talking about today, where the real work takes place, the day in and day out self-care. And the big question….can you continue training?

Resolve Low Back Issues Part 7: What Happens When You Need To Seek Care?

Resolve Low Back Issues Part 7:  What Happens When You Need To Seek Care?

Our intention with this series on Low Back Pain has been to inform and empower you, or your loved ones, to take action and realize that movement can help, as well as, prevent low back pain. That your low back pain is not a life sentence.

Resolve Low Back Issues Part 6: Self-Care - What You Can Do For Low Back Pain

Resolve Low Back Issues Part 6: Self-Care - What You Can Do For Low Back Pain

Over the last 5 weeks, we have discussed everything from what low back pain is, most common causes, some of the most common myths associated with low back pain, and when to consider imaging studies (x-ray, MRI, CT) due to red flags that lead us to something more severe being the cause. We even covered a few tips to help when you find yourself traveling for work or vacation.

We have been building up toward the actual care of low back pain but wanted to fully educate on how common low back pain is, what we know about low back pain at this time, and help you focus on life outside of back pain.

Resolve Low Back Issues Part 5: You Are Not Your Image. (Red Flags & Imaging Considerations)

Resolve Low Back Issues Part 5:  You Are Not Your Image.          (Red Flags & Imaging Considerations)

In part 4 of our Fix Your Low Back series, we discussed some of the most common myths and misunderstandings around low back pain, care of low back pain, as well as updating some of the old-fashioned thoughts. Today, we are going to discuss imaging and red flags as it pertains to low back pain and a couple of VERY IMPORTANT things you need to know.

Resolve Low Back Issues Part 4: Most Common Myths Of Low Back Pain

Resolve Low Back Issues Part 4:  Most Common Myths Of Low Back Pain

Few musculoskeletal conditions have a cult-like following of myths as Low Back Pain, many of which have been said by various healthcare providers across all specialties. To help clear the air, let's take a look at the 5 most common misunderstandings and myths that we encounter in our chiropractic clinic that could actually make your low back pain worse.

Resolve Low Back Issues Part 1: What Is Low Back Pain?

Resolve Low Back Issues Part 1: What Is Low Back Pain?

Low back issues are one of the most common causes of disability worldwide, responsible for BILLIONS of dollars spent on health care and lost time at work annually. If you have ever experienced low back pain, you know that it can not only impact your hobbies and ability to remain active, but it can make even the most common of daily activities challenging. Our goal with this series is to help you better understand the cause of your low back pain, provide real solutions to help you manage it, and show you that there are many care options out there, some you can do at home, that allow you to remain free of prescription drugs and surgery.

Back pain is not a one-size-fits-all problem, there are most commons, but your approach to care needs to be as individual as you. Without a proper and thorough assessment, it is hard to say which approach will work best for you, but through the experience of helping hundreds of people alleviate their low back pain every day, we can focus on a few of the most common causes and their proven strategies for relief.

Runner's Knee Part 4: Treatment, Rehabilitation, & Return To Running

Runner's Knee Part 4: Treatment, Rehabilitation, & Return To Running

After three exhilarating weeks of discussing Runner’s Knee, we have covered the anatomy, mechanism of injury, hip and ankle mobility, training modifications when injured, and self-care options. This week, we culminate with what happens when self-care is not enough, when you need to seek help, and what that looks like.