Salt Lake City Sports Chiropractor

Tendinopathy Injuries - 7 Things You Need To Know About Tendinitis and Tendinosis

Tendinopathy Injuries - 7 Things You Need To Know About Tendinitis and Tendinosis

Tendinopathies are a pain. If you have ever experienced this type of injury, you know this! While we treat these conditions often, these patients often become great friends of ours. Not only because we get them back to running, but because these injuries take time and constant attention.

Hamstring Injury - Part 1: Anatomy & Runner's Risk

Hamstring Injury - Part 1: Anatomy & Runner's Risk

It’s the start of a beautiful day. You were able to get to the track around 6:00 am for a solid speed workout, your favorite. You warm-up, go through your stretching and dynamic movement routine, and besides a little early morning stiffness, you feel great. Then it happens, you are on number 5 or 12 200 meter repeats, and the back of your leg cramps up something fierce! You stop, stretch, massage, but nothing helps…now you can’t run - workout over.