Iliotibial Band Syndrom

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Anatomy & Symptoms Of The Most Common Running Injury

Iliotibial Band Syndrome: Anatomy & Symptoms Of The Most Common Running Injury

You are out on another long run. It is a mid-Saturday morning, the weather is a cool 50 degrees, clear skies, and your focus is on the audiobook or podcast playing through your headphones. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, you get this sharp, STABBING, pain on the outside of your knee. Where did this come from? Did you do something wrong? What the heck is happening?

If this is your first time dealing with Iliotibial band syndrome, or you are remembering your first experience with it right now, the feeling is all too real. IT Band issues are a frequent occurrence for runners of all abilities, one of the most common conditions we relieve in our office and feel so prevalent that it is almost a ‘right of passage’ of sorts for new runners.